Steve's Photo Site


Diane Varner Landscape Photographs taken in Northern California.
Joe Cornish Landscape Photography by Joe Cornish.
Charlie Waite Landscape Photography by Charlie Waite.
Feeespirit Images Photography by Nick Jenkins.
Robert Fulton Photography by Robert Fulton, winner of Landscape Photographer of the year 2011.

Museums and Galleries

Science and Media Museum The "Science and Media Museum" used to be called the "National Media Museum", and before that, the "National Museum of Photography, Film and Television".
The Photographers Gallery A gallery in London.
Victoria and Albert Museum Photography at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
American Museum of Photography  

Sources of Ideas

CanStockPhoto A commercial source of "stock" photos which can also provide amateur photographers with ideas for new projects.
GoGraph Another commercial source of "stock" photos which can also provide amateur photographers with ideas for new projects. This is a sister site to CanStockPhoto.
Foto Search Another commercial source of "stock" photos which can also provide amateur photographers with ideas for new projects. "The site began in 1993 as Philip Greenspun's personal home page at MIT and has grown to become a community of more than 600,000 registered users working to help each other improve as photographers."
The Photographers Resource A somewhat rambling site which lists places and events which might interest a photographer.
thePhotoArgus A site with tutorials, but the core of the site is a set of galleries to inspire. There are also competitions, and, guess what, it has an email newsletter.